
Sunday, October 9, 2011

roti bluder

Lagi teringat sama lembutnya roti Bluder..., hmmm ...keburu nggak ya buat sore2..., soalnya harus mengantar papa mertua ke dokter.., eh...tapi tiba2 ibu mertua bilang :, nggak jadi deh ke dokternya...
ya sudah , aku langsung saja mengambil timbangan dan beraksi dengan resep roti Bluder.

tapi satu jam kemudian..., ketika adonan sudah mulai kalis dan siap untuk fermentasi, ibu mertua memutuskan untuk pergi ke dokter malam ini juga...., yaaaaa..gimana nih adonan sudah terlanjur di buat., hmm ya pasrah aja deh aku masukan semua adonan ke frezeer.
Pulang dari rumah sakit , ternyata sudah malam sekali.., sepertinya nggak kuat deh harus manggang roti lagi.

Pagi pagi aku keluarkan adonan beku dari frezeer, siapa tau masih bisa mengembang lagi.
hasilnya ya ini.., walau teksturnya kurang lembut tapi masih Ok .

Roti Bluder
makes 16 breads
140 gr egg yolks
50 gr egg whites
70 gr caster sugar
300 gr bread flour
11 gr instant dry yeast
60 gr cold milk
70 gr butter, chopped, softened
                                                                     1/2 tsp salt
                       dark chocolate chips, cheese, ham, peanut butter (for filling) optional.

                                                                            Egg wash:
1 egg
4 tsp milk


1. Whisk egg yolks, egg whites, and caster sugar until thick and pale. Meanwhile, sift flour and mix with yeast in a bowl.
2. Add flour mixture to the egg mixture. Mix until well combined.
3. Add cold milk. Knead until milk is absorbed.
4. Add butter and salt. Knead until dough starts to pull away from the bowl. (note: dough will be sticky )
5. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise at room temperature for about 1 hour. 
Meanwhile, prepare  muffin pan or 16 paper cases (place them on a baking sheet).
6. Knock dough down. On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough into a ball. Divide into 50-gram balls. Flatten each ball and put 1/8 of the filling in the center. Enclose the filling and place on prepared muffin pan or paper cases, seam side down. Repeat with remaining dough and filling.
7. Let rise at room temperature for about 60 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180 C. Brush each dough with egg wash and sprinkle some topping if you wish.
8. Bake for 20 minutes.

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