
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nasi Tim Ayam

500 gr chicken breast, cut in small squares, boil.
3 cloves  garlic, grind  
200 gr mushroom: shitake & button  
2 cm ginger
1 tbs sesame oil
2 tbs sweet soy sauce
2 tbs soy sauce1 tbs oyster sauce

1 Sautee garlic. Add ginger, sesame oil, sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, & oyster sauce. 
2.Add chicken & mushroom, about ½ cup of liquid from chicken stock. Cook until water is absorbed.

Rice:1.Sautee garlic, add in soy sauce and the liquid from chicken stock.
         2.Add in rice, stir evenly. 
         3. cook rice with rice cooker until done . 

Serving:1.  In a small bowl, add in the chicken and mushroom, topped with rice. (steam for another      10 minutes.)
              2. Flip the bowl onto a plate ,  and it’s ready to be eaten warm. 

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